Sunday, December 21, 2014

Change the World Movie

Let us take action that is solution orientated rather than problemcentric; let us work in the proper order rather than waste time doing it all backwards under the egocentric illusion that we need to be, do, and have big, Bigger, BIGGEST in order to matter. We matter when we first be, do, and have within our wholeness and the ripples will be infinitely more effective.

Change the World Movie: I truly believe that most of the time...less is more. Sometimes, certain things viewed in certain ways have the ability to make an impact on our life in a positive way. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, "It is not fair to ask of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself"

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wonders of Rabia Hayek

Wonders of Rabia Hayek and his powerful Life Force riding the breath techniques

Now this is an instructor that I could get into! The little exercise in breathwork he supplied had me coughing, laughing, and then crying from lower than my abdomen! Moved mountains of energy blockages from me and even had my spine popping at times!